Monday, December 28, 2015


Information HERE!

Here are some of the myths that have been circulated to persuade residents to sign a petition calling for four vehicular lanes on North Avenue. Some claims are obviously false or silly, but others could be substituted for reliable information. Get the facts.

  • EPA bike lanes --  Claiming that bike lanes are a conspiracy between the Environmental Protection Agency and Burlington is silly, but it's really code for liberal ideas, claiming that people who ride bikes are liberals, and they most likely support environmental protection. .
  • They are trying to take away our cars -- b/w 4 Lane signs are recycled Gun Rights signs, and this claim connects guns with cars, code for the idea that people who want to take away your guns (gun control) also want to take away your cars.
  • It will cause congestion and delays when people are trying to get to work. Congestion is present now, and two through lanes, with a middle turning lane and separate bike lanes, will bring consistency and smooth flow to the Avenue. And, it will be much safer, for everyone.
  • Even if you support a road diet, you should sign the petition to prevent the pilot project. Say what?

Friday, December 11, 2015

CAGARY CYCLE TRACK PROGRAM - 95% increase in riders!

The Calgary experience:

"They noted an increase in bike traffic on roads shared with cars, up to an average of 7.6%. However, on certain routes such as 8th Avenue, west of 3rd Street, during the peak hour the percentage of bikes on the road is as high as 46%.
“People[…] are giving it a try over the course of the pilot,” says Glowacz. “[They’re] seeing if they can bike to different destination in downtown, or bike the their workplaces.”
To learn more about the cycle track pilot program, visit the City of Calgary website.

Friday, December 4, 2015



Burlingtonians of all ages want our city to be “Better by Bike.” We want riding on our city's streets to be just as safe as riding on our beautiful lakeshore bike path. We want to be able to send our kids off on their bikes without worry. More broadly, we want a city with a 21st century approach to mobility that puts safety and choice first.
A 2015 survey conducted by AARP Vermont showed that a majority of Burlingtonians 45 years and older would be extremely to very likely to walk or ride a bike more if there were better crosswalks and separate bike lanes. And only 29% feel that there are currently enough bike lanes for safe biking. Burlington clearly needs better streets for biking and safer crossings for walking!
Even with broad support, change never comes easy. There will be pushback from people who think that our streets are only for cars. Too often, people underestimate the positive impact that investments in walking and biking have on the local economy and community.
Will you speak up for change? Will you speak up for vibrant streets that are safe and welcoming for everyone?

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

North Ave Corridor Design is a Model for the City.

North Avenue will be re-engineered to prioritize safety of all modes -- cars, trucks, buses, bikes, and pedestrians. There will be safer ped crossings, protected bike lanes, and through lanes for motorized traffic with a center turning lane. Eventually roundabouts will replace four signalized intersections. As residents learn the value of safe streets design, they are taking a fresh look at old projects like the Southern Connector aka Champlain Parkway.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Don't waste time and transportation funding on old projects, old designs.

Nov. 5, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a long-term surface transportation bill that prioritizes funding for multi-modal projects.

The time for Burlington to expand active bike transportation options is now. Highway building is passe, road diet and safe protected bike lanes are the future. We mustn't waste money on old project designs that are stuck in the funding pipeline, We need to move on -- put old car-centric thinking away,  and make roads that safer for everyone.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Federal Highway Administration explains "road diet" and why it is recommended today.

Four-lane undivided highways have a history of increased crashes as traffic volumes rise, due to motorists sharing the inside lane for higher speed through movements and left turns. Additionally, as active transportation increases, communities desire more livable spaces, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit options, which are not easily accommodated by a 4-lane undivided roadway. One solution that benefits all modes is a Road Diet (Roadway Reconfiguration).

A Road Diet is generally described as removing vehicle lanes from a roadway and reallocating the extra space for other uses or travelling modes, such as parking, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, transit use, turn lanes, medians or pedestrian refuge islands. Road Diets have the potential to improve safety, provide operational benefits, and increase the quality of life for all road users. Road Diets can be relatively low cost if planned in conjunction with reconstruction or resurfacing projects since applying Road Diets consists primarily of restriping.

For additional information about Road Diets, visit the FHWA Office of Safety Road Diets website at

Friday, November 6, 2015

North Avenue Task Force Meeting Nov 10

The North Avenue Corridor Task Force welcomes everyone who is interested in the North Avenue Pilot to participate in the next North Avenue Task Force meeting on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 from 6 PM – 8 PM at the Miller Center.
The city council created the task force to "foster a collaborative process of implementation" in the North Avenue Corridor Pilot Project. Please join us to add your voice to the discussion and help us on the path to creating an Avenue for Everyone.
Tuesday’s agenda includes:
• Public Input
• Decision on phasing the pilot in stages, north to south
• Decision on parking/bike lane configuration
• Review public outreach material and activities
• Discussion on measuring public input
Thanks to all of the engaged people who showed up to the last meeting. Your input helps us to make the work better.

Monday, October 12, 2015

"Right now it's more of a suburban road, and with the reconfiguration we'll be providing more pedestrian access, bike access and also providing a lot of aesthetic appeal to the road..." SOUND FAMILIAR?

VPR, October 12, 2015: 
Across Vermont, as elsewhere in the country, an upsurge of interest in bicycling — not only as a form of recreation but as a way to commute — is underway. Last month the Agency of Transportation announced funding for 28 Vermont communities to enhance their streets for pedestrians and bikes.


  • The younger population is choosing not to drive as much … we’re seeing more people living in cities younger so when they see they don’t need to own a car, which comes with a lot of costs, I think you’re seeing that transition into a desire for more biking and walking.
  • There is a big increase in interest in a federal program which provides money for 80 percent of the total cost of a proposed project. The state and municipality each kick in ten percent.
  • The newly designed roadways will be a boost for the downtown areas and takes note of increased numbers of bicyclists. It will make it safer for both bikers and motorists.
  • Take a stretch of road designed for cars, and turn the entire stretch into a corridor for people that walk, bike and drive. It has all the criteria we were looking for.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

North Avenue Corridor Task Force Meeting Oct 13


Event: Oct 13, 2015, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The North Avenue task force is meeting this Tuesday, October 13 at the Miller Center between 6 PM and 8 PM. Public comments take place in the first half hour of the meeting.
Currently, items on the agenda include the phasing of the pilot, public opinion/sentiment measurement, outreach and event planning, and parking.
Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend and participate.
Rich Nadworny, Ward 4 NPA Task Force Representative
"Let's create An Avenue for Everyone"

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Each month, North End members of the North Avenue Corridor Task Force present current issues under discussion at task force meetings, and collect ideas. We are reminded that members of the public can make comments directly to the full Task Force at their regular meetings. All are welcome.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

First Northeast U.S. Modern Roundabout in Montpelier Celebrates its 20th Birthday in August/U.S. Highway Safety

The First Modern Roundabout East of Colorado and North of Maryland Reaches 20th Birthday This August: Keck Circle Montpelier, VT.
     By Tony Redington  TonyRVT08

North Avenue Corridor Task Force member R. J. Lalumiere video taken in field visit by NPA 3, 4, and 7 November 1, 2013: (5:43 clip best summary)

At eventide on August 16, 1995 just after application of the Spring and Main Streets modern roundabout's first course asphalt paving, two young bicyclists circled a time or two on the still hot circular travelway. A few minutes later after the paving equipment fully cleared, traffic barriers came down and the first modern roundabout in the northeast opened for four-wheeled vehicles too. So began the first hour of Keck Circle in Montpelier, Vermont's first roundabout--the first north of Maryland and east of Colorado, and 19th built in the U.S.

Monday, June 29, 2015


July 8 and 9, residents will have several different opportunities to learn about issues related to biking and walking in the city, and to share ideas with the advisory committee.

*You can hear updates from advisory committee members Liam, Kasie, and Kurt at NPA meetings. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015


For the first time in this landmark document the Burlington Walk Bike Council, the “Burlington Declaration” sets roundabouts and a cycle track network as part and parcel of a safe walkable and bikable plan for the City. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Where are we going to put the next roundabout?


When Arizona DOT first began touting this road intersection concept, people screamed. "They're not safe." "They slow down traffic." "Pedestrians will get mowed over." "They have them back East and they're dangerous." "The cement trucks will never be able to get through them. 
Locals chided the state for pushing roundabouts. 
Many saw themselves as authorities on roundabouts, even if they had never driven through one.
Now, less than 10 years later, the first thought shared when talking about building a new road or improving an existing one in Arizona is "Where are we going to put the roundabouts? 

Sound familiar? Before you're presented with another ill-informed hysterical petition (or politicians who will agree with you rather than share good information with you), please take the time to learn about roundabouts, and why they are the intersection of choice. 

View the presentations on the CCRPC's project website
Final plans for Shelburne St. Rotary

Sunday, February 8, 2015

North Avenue Task Force II

Task Force Members
  • NPA delegates: Ward 4 - Rich Nadworny, Representative; Pat Kearney, Alternate. Ward 7 - RJ LaLumier, Representative; Muffy Milens, Alternate. [Representatives and Alternates attend all meetings of the task force, and will be available at NPA meetings monthly for discussion and questions.]
  • City Councilors' recommendations to the mayor, mayor appoints: Ward 4 Dave Hartnett and Kurt Wright recommended Paul Sisson. Ward 7, Tom Ayres and Bianca LeGrand recommended Jason L'Ecuyer.
Nicole Losch, DPW, task force facilitator:

With the new year the City has received confirmation that the Regional Planning Commission can provide assistance with the North Avenue Pilot Project planning. In October 2014 City Council created a  North Avenue Task Force II to work with DPW as we implement the North Ave Corridor Study Recommendations, so in mid-January we contacted all of the Task Force organizations to identify the representatives who will convene the Task Force. We anticipate having a complete list of representatives in February and could then convene the kick-off meeting in March. Wards 4 and 7 have each been asked to provide a representative, and the area Councilors from each Ward will also be recommending a representative.

The Task Force will work with the City to identify the benchmarks, metrics, and outreach process (schedule, methods of reaching the public, etc.) – basically all of the components – of the pilot project. In 2015 we will identify the data that needs to be collected, begin to collect the data, and fully prepare for physical changes in 2016. 

Nicole Losch, PTP, Transportation Planner
645 Pine Street Suite A, Burlington VT 05401
802.865.5833 direct // 802.863.0466 fax

Mayor explains his support for the PILOT STUDY:  It will become a permanent feature if it makes sense.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

ROAD DIET PRIMER, RT 302 Barre-Montpelier Rd

This 3 minute VIDEO is a primer on ROAD DIET - reconfiguring existing lanes to make MORE EFFICIENT USE OF ROAD SPACE THAT WE HAVE and to make the road SAFER FOR ALL USERS.

Published on Dec 23, 2014
VTrans will be reconfiguring lanes on Barre-Montpelier Rd (Rt. 302) as part of a paving project in Spring 2015. The new lane configuration will be in place for a 60-day trial period, and will feature a reduction in vehicle traffic lanes. The new configuration is projected to reduce vehicle collisions along Barre-Monpelier Rd, while continuing to sufficiently handle the traffic volume. The extra space along the roadway will be used to implement a buffered bike lane that creates a safe and comfortable environment for bicycle traffic.