Monday, December 28, 2015


Information HERE!

Here are some of the myths that have been circulated to persuade residents to sign a petition calling for four vehicular lanes on North Avenue. Some claims are obviously false or silly, but others could be substituted for reliable information. Get the facts.

  • EPA bike lanes --  Claiming that bike lanes are a conspiracy between the Environmental Protection Agency and Burlington is silly, but it's really code for liberal ideas, claiming that people who ride bikes are liberals, and they most likely support environmental protection. .
  • They are trying to take away our cars -- b/w 4 Lane signs are recycled Gun Rights signs, and this claim connects guns with cars, code for the idea that people who want to take away your guns (gun control) also want to take away your cars.
  • It will cause congestion and delays when people are trying to get to work. Congestion is present now, and two through lanes, with a middle turning lane and separate bike lanes, will bring consistency and smooth flow to the Avenue. And, it will be much safer, for everyone.
  • Even if you support a road diet, you should sign the petition to prevent the pilot project. Say what?

Friday, December 11, 2015

CAGARY CYCLE TRACK PROGRAM - 95% increase in riders!

The Calgary experience:

"They noted an increase in bike traffic on roads shared with cars, up to an average of 7.6%. However, on certain routes such as 8th Avenue, west of 3rd Street, during the peak hour the percentage of bikes on the road is as high as 46%.
“People[…] are giving it a try over the course of the pilot,” says Glowacz. “[They’re] seeing if they can bike to different destination in downtown, or bike the their workplaces.”
To learn more about the cycle track pilot program, visit the City of Calgary website.

Friday, December 4, 2015



Burlingtonians of all ages want our city to be “Better by Bike.” We want riding on our city's streets to be just as safe as riding on our beautiful lakeshore bike path. We want to be able to send our kids off on their bikes without worry. More broadly, we want a city with a 21st century approach to mobility that puts safety and choice first.
A 2015 survey conducted by AARP Vermont showed that a majority of Burlingtonians 45 years and older would be extremely to very likely to walk or ride a bike more if there were better crosswalks and separate bike lanes. And only 29% feel that there are currently enough bike lanes for safe biking. Burlington clearly needs better streets for biking and safer crossings for walking!
Even with broad support, change never comes easy. There will be pushback from people who think that our streets are only for cars. Too often, people underestimate the positive impact that investments in walking and biking have on the local economy and community.
Will you speak up for change? Will you speak up for vibrant streets that are safe and welcoming for everyone?