Sunday, March 1, 2015

One-Day Workshop in Burlington, Tuesday, March 31, 2015

All are invited to participate in this day long information session with area transportation planners to learn the ABCs of modern traffic management efficiency and safety. Location: UVM (Waterman). The workshop focuses on the all-modes “intersection safety belt," focus on round intersections. Keynote speaker is  *Mark T. Johnson, PE. 

Mark Johnson works regularly with local governments and communities through the gritty public meetings and hearings it takes to bring new technology to fruition, change that increases vastly both safety and service to our streets and highways for all who walk, bicycle or travel by motor vehicle.

Location:  Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, UVM
Time:  Sign in: 8 a.m.-8:45 a.m.  Workshop: 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Co-Sponsors: Burlington Department of Public Works (DPW), Burlington Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO), UVM Center on Aging, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, AARP Vermont, Addison County Regional Planning Commission, Northwest Regional Planning Commission, VTrans, Vermont Local Roads Program, Lamoille County Planning Commission, and Neighborhood Planning Assemblies in Wards 3,4, and 7.


  1. 1. The first screen--basic info on event and top grey area says
    "$50- General Registration $20- Student/Senior Registration" The screen asks you to fill in your name and your email address

    2. Screen 2 asks to you fill in your full address, etc.

    3. The third screen asks you to fill in only one thing-- check for either $50 amount or $20 if senior/student No code just check and go on to payment screen

    4. Payment screen. No discount code required--code location is only for those who receive a free/comp registration that procedure is sent to each sponsor on how to do it on the payment screen. Regular registrants can ignore this. We are using the honor system on senior/student and the age for senior is AARP's 50.
    from Tony Redington, workshop organizer

  2. Topics of interest would include the following:
    1. roundabouts and emergency vehicles
    2. public acceptance of roundabout once in place
    3. how the roundabout slows vehicles and reduces conflicts versus a signal
    3. connection of slowing of vehicles and traffic calming "influence area" and walk mode safety
    4. seniors and roundabouts
    5. a particular interest for bicyclists here would be both off/on ramping and accommodation of cycle track--we here like the Assen path design at a roundabout but not sure about whether the bike get priority at its own xing (assumes it does when it uses walk mode xing)
    6. the safety data for each mode
    7. multi-laners--Burlington may have three or four maximum locations which need a two laner--one of them is the analysis, Main Street/East Ave/Swift St our last intersection on Main Street going into South Burlington, about a half mile from the biggest traffic volume exist at I 89
    8. maybe address the roundabout design today versus the 1990-2000 designs
    9. difference between traffic circle (including size) versus modern
    10. experience with economic impacts of roundabouts, property values
    11. relative to signals--delay, pollution, CO2, capacity


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