Monday, October 12, 2015

"Right now it's more of a suburban road, and with the reconfiguration we'll be providing more pedestrian access, bike access and also providing a lot of aesthetic appeal to the road..." SOUND FAMILIAR?

VPR, October 12, 2015: 
Across Vermont, as elsewhere in the country, an upsurge of interest in bicycling — not only as a form of recreation but as a way to commute — is underway. Last month the Agency of Transportation announced funding for 28 Vermont communities to enhance their streets for pedestrians and bikes.


  • The younger population is choosing not to drive as much … we’re seeing more people living in cities younger so when they see they don’t need to own a car, which comes with a lot of costs, I think you’re seeing that transition into a desire for more biking and walking.
  • There is a big increase in interest in a federal program which provides money for 80 percent of the total cost of a proposed project. The state and municipality each kick in ten percent.
  • The newly designed roadways will be a boost for the downtown areas and takes note of increased numbers of bicyclists. It will make it safer for both bikers and motorists.
  • Take a stretch of road designed for cars, and turn the entire stretch into a corridor for people that walk, bike and drive. It has all the criteria we were looking for.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

North Avenue Corridor Task Force Meeting Oct 13


Event: Oct 13, 2015, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The North Avenue task force is meeting this Tuesday, October 13 at the Miller Center between 6 PM and 8 PM. Public comments take place in the first half hour of the meeting.
Currently, items on the agenda include the phasing of the pilot, public opinion/sentiment measurement, outreach and event planning, and parking.
Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend and participate.
Rich Nadworny, Ward 4 NPA Task Force Representative
"Let's create An Avenue for Everyone"

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Each month, North End members of the North Avenue Corridor Task Force present current issues under discussion at task force meetings, and collect ideas. We are reminded that members of the public can make comments directly to the full Task Force at their regular meetings. All are welcome.