Task Force Members
With the new year the City has received confirmation that the Regional Planning Commission can provide assistance with the North Avenue Pilot Project planning. In October 2014 City Council created a North Avenue Task Force II to work with DPW as we implement the North Ave Corridor Study Recommendations, so in mid-January we contacted all of the Task Force organizations to identify the representatives who will convene the Task Force. We anticipate having a complete list of representatives in February and could then convene the kick-off meeting in March. Wards 4 and 7 have each been asked to provide a representative, and the area Councilors from each Ward will also be recommending a representative.
The Task Force will work with the City to identify the benchmarks, metrics, and outreach process (schedule, methods of reaching the public, etc.) – basically all of the components – of the pilot project. In 2015 we will identify the data that needs to be collected, begin to collect the data, and fully prepare for physical changes in 2016.
Mayor explains his support for the PILOT STUDY: It will become a permanent feature if it makes sense.
- NPA delegates: Ward 4 - Rich Nadworny, Representative; Pat Kearney, Alternate. Ward 7 - RJ LaLumier, Representative; Muffy Milens, Alternate. [Representatives and Alternates attend all meetings of the task force, and will be available at NPA meetings monthly for discussion and questions.]
- City Councilors' recommendations to the mayor, mayor appoints: Ward 4 Dave Hartnett and Kurt Wright recommended Paul Sisson. Ward 7, Tom Ayres and Bianca LeGrand recommended Jason L'Ecuyer.
With the new year the City has received confirmation that the Regional Planning Commission can provide assistance with the North Avenue Pilot Project planning. In October 2014 City Council created a North Avenue Task Force II to work with DPW as we implement the North Ave Corridor Study Recommendations, so in mid-January we contacted all of the Task Force organizations to identify the representatives who will convene the Task Force. We anticipate having a complete list of representatives in February and could then convene the kick-off meeting in March. Wards 4 and 7 have each been asked to provide a representative, and the area Councilors from each Ward will also be recommending a representative.
The Task Force will work with the City to identify the benchmarks, metrics, and outreach process (schedule, methods of reaching the public, etc.) – basically all of the components – of the pilot project. In 2015 we will identify the data that needs to be collected, begin to collect the data, and fully prepare for physical changes in 2016.
Nicole Losch, PTP, Transportation Planner
Nicole Losch, PTP, Transportation Planner
645 Pine Street Suite A, Burlington VT 05401
802.865.5833 direct // 802.863.0466 fax