Thursday, October 16, 2014

Don't whine and cluck, ORGANIZE! Run for City Council.

Bring biking councilors to City Hall, send message that we will bring bike culture to city streets and out The Avenue!

(AP Photo/Kathy Willens)
Putting in bike lanes or reducing parking can be a politically dangerousmove, especially in New York. But for the past year and a half, political action committee StreetsPAC has been fighting for pro-pedestrian, pro-biking and pro-transit candidates in NYC and Albany — and gaining ground.
In the 2013 city elections, 13 of StreetsPAC’s 18 endorsed candidates won in competitive primary elections (including Mayor Bill de Blasio). In state primaries last month, three out of five StreetsPAC-backed candidates won.

Friday, October 10, 2014

North Ave Safe Bike Lanes and Crossings

To get involved in ongoing effort to create safe multi-modal options on North Avenue, please join Bikable Burlington now.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

90 minutes testimony from residents, 90% opposed to amendments

Attend party caucuses. 
Run for office. 
Challenge councilors who don't represent you.  

   Kurt Wright (Ward 4)
   Dave Hartnett (Ward 4)
   Tom Ayres (Ward 7)

Members of Corridor Advisory Committee who presented a complete streets set of recommendations to City Council are Jason L'Ecuyer (Ward 7), Barry Trutor (Ward 7), RJ LaLumiere (Ward 4), Jim Holway (Ward 4). Jason is vying for Dem nomination at Dem Caucus Jan 11, challenging Tom Ayres. 


#btvcc Resolution on North Ave passes with 4 amendments, 14/0. Progress made, with some minor setbacks.

#BTVCC Tonight's vote on North Ave summed up pretty well by @bfp_news…

#btvcc meeting & North Ave proposed changes who wants to get more involved, please join…

#BTVCC sets precedent: #BTV voters will be allowed to veto city projects after 6 months, see South End Connector, Moran.

#BTV City Council. On the agenda: North Avenue bike lanes. #btvcc #vt

Monday, October 6, 2014

The FACTS about sabotage of Advisory Committee's Complete Street recommendations

TomorrowTo (Monday, Oct. 6) the City Council will be voting on the resolution to adopt the North Ave. recommendations, as described below.  The actual resolution is linked here:$file/DPW%20-%20North%20Avenue%20Corridor%20Plan%3B%20Create%20North%20Avenue%20Task%20Force.docx

There have been two amendments proposed by Councilors Kurt Wright and Tom Ayres that should be specifically addressed in public comments [and voted down]. 

The amendment proposed by Councilor Ayres, linked here:$file/Amendment%20per%20Councilor%20Ayres%20North%20Avenue%20Corridor.docx

It basically switches the language from removing all parking to "no parking at least on one side of North Avenue", removes the protected bike lane pilot with flex posts between Institute Road and VT 127, and removes the buffered bike lane between Shore Road and Plattsburg Avenue.  So we would still have parking on one side of the road, and the bike lanes in these two sections would be unprotected/unbuffered on both sides and in the door zone on one side.  This seriously weakens the short-term benefits of the project.  We especially want to preserve the pilot of the protected bike lane between Institute Road and VT 127 (although honestly I think it makes more sense between Washington St. and Institute Rd.).  This proposed amendment should be rejected entirely by the City Council.